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May 12, 2014 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: hotsy totsy.

This week's tablehopper: hotsy totsy.
A smashing sashimi spread at ICHI Sushi + NI bar. Photo: ©
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Mmmmhmmm, it’s definitely sashimi weather. It’s also a perfect moment to eat cherries and peaches, lucky us. It’s also time for me to congratulate myself on saving half of my super burrito from the other night so I could have cold burrito for lunch; it’s an amazing thing, that—I highly recommend it. I also stocked my fridge with cartons of the Blue Bottle New Orleans iced coffee on Sunday evening in preparation for this warm week, also a smooth move, because those 3pm drowsies are no joke. And did you see my review of 54 Mint on Friday? That’s where you want to be tonight or tomorrow for lunch or in the evening, trust.

Meanwhile, in the complete idiocy department, I’d like to file this upcoming $300 brunch, or as the creators of this atrocity are calling it, BRVNCH, because they’re trying to tap into some Roman decadence BS or something. $2,500 for VIP brunch (i.e., your own server), are you kidding? (Does that come with a Smart car?) People, no—keep that VIP crap in Vegas, thanks. It’s about as stupid as the news that FLAX is closing and going to be demolished to become condos. Actually, that news isn’t stupid, it’s just sad.

As for news-news, well, hang onto your sun hat, because this week’s issue is a doozy. So. Many. Openings. Plus an in-depth peek at the upcoming China Live! We’re going to need to start flying in cooks from the Midwest to staff all these places—as if staffing wasn’t already an issue in this town.

Time for me to blow off my exploding email inbox, leave this hot apartment, and take a walk on the beach. I hope you get to do a little of the same this week.


Marcia Gagliardi

A smashing sashimi spread at ICHI Sushi + NI bar. Photo: © tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, May 13 2014

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