Some unfortunate closures, including the PRATHER RANCH shop at the Ferry Building Marketplace. I reached out to Prather for a comment but didn’t hear anything back. According to a letter forwarded to me, it sounded like employees were told to hang on for a reboot, but were laid off after all. (That happened to me at the ad agency where I worked back during DotBomb, it sucks. “Hang on, we’ll get through this rough patch. Shit, sorry, you’re laid off!”) No word about the fate of their farmers’ market appearances (a friend said they were missing from his weekly market, who knows if it’s related), but you can still find them on Good Eggs, so that’s good.
Over in North Beach, NAKED LUNCH is closing up shop after 10 years in the former Enrico’s. No more of Ian Begg and Ryan Maxey’s amazing sandwiches and burgers, sorry people! The last day is June 15th. 504 Broadway at Kearny.
A tablehopper reader also let me know that FRJTZ will no longer be open in its somewhat recently new location in the Mission, and is moving to a delivery-only model (via Caviar) for its burgers and stoner piles of fries.
Flickr photo by yipe.