This Thursday August 1st, over 70 Bay Area restaurants and bars are taking part in a fundraiser called Abort the Ban, the first annual Bay Area Fight for Abortion Rights event! Womxn’s reproductive rights are under attack, and a team of womxn working in the Bay Area restaurant industry want to do something about it! Their goal is to raise $40,000; all funds will be donated to Planned Parenthood.
Please consider dining at participating restaurants this Thursday, whether you’re picking up bagels at Daily Driver to checking out the new AL’s Deli. (Many thanks to the sponsors who are helping to make this happen.) You can also visit their CrowdRise page for donations. Follow them on Instagram for more at @bayareafightforabortionrights.
I can’t believe Outside Lands returns next weekend (August 9th-11th), where did the summer go? Do you have your food and drink hitlist lined up? Take a look at my post from last month about what’s new, and now the GastroMagic programming has been announced. This year, they’re partnering with Bon Appétit as a curating stage partner, who is bringing a bunch of their staff (including editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport, and super cutie senior food editor Andy Baraghani).
We’re also getting some L.A. talent up here: Jessica Koslow of Sqirl and Susan Feniger of Border Grill and Too Hot Tamales (she’s even donating her time and performance fee to The Los Angeles LGBT Center). Local talent will include returning guests Brenda’s French Soul Food (beignets and bounce!), Rich Table (porcini doughnuts!), and Chris Cosentino, with new appearances from Counting Crows frontman Adam Duritz, Michael Solomonov of Zahav in Philly, rapper CupcakKe, and more.