An update on the Divisadero Corridor: the windows at CAFE ABIR have been closed since 2015, but now you’ll see them open and with people inside. The Dajani Group has moved their TSUNAMI PANHANDLE a couple doors down from its original location (at 1306 Fulton) into Abir’s corner space (the original location will be converted into a bar, stand by for what’s next).
As for the Abir space, it now holds Tsunami Panhandle restaurant and a shochu bar, with a list of 110 shochu selections (they want to be the city’s premiere destination for shochu, kind of like what they did for amaro at Bar 821). While they only gained 12 seats, they also added an oyster station with a pretty cool offer: purchase any bottle of shochu, wine, or sake during happy hour and you get a free dozen oysters. When is happy hour, you ask? It’s 5pm-7pm, and the restaurant hours are Tue-Sat 6pm-late. 1300 Fulton St. at Divisadero.
The new Tsunami Panhandle location in the former Café Abir. Photo via Facebook.