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Dec 3, 2012 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: stewsday.

This week's tablehopper: stewsday.
The she-crab and corn chowder soup at St. Vincent. Photo: ©
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I hope you are perky and powered up, because this week’s hopper is a hefty one. I wish I was in the perky camp—am on DAY NINE of this mother-effing cold that doesn’t want to decamp from my life (I know, again, so ridiculous). I am the queen of pozole and tortellini in brodo right now, I swear. Whatever, I am still heading up to Healdsburg this afternoon for an overnight trip (looking forward to checking out some new spots up there, and sinking into my bed at the h2hotel). There is also a Flying Goat macchiato with my name on it tomorrow morning. My assistant suggested I should put the “heal” in Healdsburg. I like it.

A few notes: congrats to all the local businesses who are finalists in the 2013 Good Food Awards! The 100 winners will be announced on January 18th, 2013, followed by a 15,000-person Good Food Awards Marketplace on January 19th. (More details will be available soon.)

Thanks to Daily Candy for this interview with me for their “Woman Behind the Blog” series (although I know you all know tablehopper isn’t a blog, cough). I get to talk about my dream dinner party guests, food trends for 2013, and more.  I also enjoyed reading this interview with Camper English of Alcademics on Eater about the current state of our local cocktail scene. Fascinating stuff.

Okay, I need to hop in my car and start scooting up the 101—this impending rain is going to make it slow going. And hey, I hope to see you Friday at the La Cocina Gift Bazaar! It’s gonna be a good time.

Have a swell week.

Marcia Gagliardi

The she-crab and corn chowder soup at St. Vincent. Photo: © tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Dec  4 2012

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